Patent rotary hearth furnace now under construction in Vietnam

Date:2024/1/19 Source: CISDI

The first batch of parts for the creation of a new rotary hearth furnace have arrived at Formosa Ha Tinh Steel in Vietnam

The batch of parts weighed 15,000 ocean cargo revenue tons.

The furnace will be built by CISDI Thermal & Environmental Engineering to an EPC mode. 

The contract represents China’s first export of solid waste treatment solutions and will create the first rotary hearth furnace in South East Asia developments.

The project will apply Chinese expertise in waste to energy core tech, standards, equipment and project management and will result in numerous economic and environmental benefits.

The CISDI-installed furnace will have a projected annual treatment capacity of 250,000 tonnes. Blast furnace slag and BOF OG-process sludge will be fully treated at FHS and valuable elements of iron, zinc and carbon will be recovered. 


Artist’s view of the CISDI-built rotary hearth furnace in progress at FHS in Vietnam