CISDI to create total solutions for advanced steelmaking at Dazhou Steel

Date:2022/12/19 Source: CISDI

CISDI has won an EPC-based order to build Dazhou Steel in China’s Sichuan Province with a new meltshop.

The meltshop includes plants for steelmaking and continuous casting. Five sections will be designed and constructed.

Basic and detailed designs for the steelmaking area, plus its construction, will be undertaken by CISDI. It is the first area to be created for the meltshop, and the most difficult.

Facilities will include the main workshop building for steelmaking and continuous casting, two vanadium-extracting BOFs, two 100-tonne melting BOFs, one ladle furnace, a scrap yard, a vanadium slag utilisation system and utilities.

Dazhou Steel placed the order with CISDI after learning of its strong reputation for advanced technology, highly-reliable equipment and ultra-competitive production for green and low carbon, intelligent and efficient targets.

CISDI’s hi-tech solutions for meltshops:

            single ladle rail transfer process of hot metal

            duplex BOF melting for extracting vanadium

            CISDI-SACS 4-point linkage suspension system

            oxygen lance fast-change unit

            BOF dry primary dedusting system

            single-position, dual-car ladle furnace refining

            smart logistics

            fume analysis.


An artist’s impression of the main facilities to be created at Dazhou Steel’s steelmaking and continuous casting plants. CISDI’s total solutions will bring higher levels of efficiency and standards